How many kilograms of grass an alfalfa dryer can dry per hour

  The amount of grass that the alfalfa dryer can dry per hour can be customized. There is no specific model limit. There are models and prices for alfalfa drying equipment with an hourly output of 1 ton, 5 tons to 100 tons. Zhengzhou Dingli has 15 years of alfalfa Grass feed dryer manufacturers have live grass drying videos for reference.

alfalfa dryer

  Zhengzhou Dingli's 15-year large-scale tumble dryer manufacturer customized and produced various feed dryers such as slag feed, grass straw and other feed dryers. Drying equipment such as alfalfa and silage alfalfa has mature technology. It has multiple production sites and exports of grass dryers. There is also a good market and user reputation abroad. Our alfalfa dryer models are customized, and can dry 1 ton, 5 tons, 10 tons, 20 tons, 50 tons and more than 100 tons per hour. There is no specific specification limit, and the model of alfalfa dryer is designed for the user's production needs.

  Alfalfa grass dryer is also suitable for grass dryers such as Timothy grass, giant fungus grass, yarrow, oat grass, etc. It can be dried quickly with low temperature and hot air. Dried alfalfa has good color, taste and low nutritional loss. It is a high-quality alfalfa feed. Please consult us online for customized alfalfa dryer equipment.

Equipment in more than 80 countries around the world

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