Process principle of sawdust dryer equipment

  Sawdust drying can be used for building materials, biomass pellet fuels, bacteria and flower cultivation bases, etc. Therefore, whether it is sawdust, crushed logs, tree bark, bamboo chips, waste building wood, etc. There are more and more projects of quality, recycling and comprehensive utilization, and wood chip dryers have a stable and good market demand.

sawdust dryer

  The wood chip dryer adopts a three-layer rotary drum dryer, which has a large processing capacity, high heat utilization rate, low heat loss, and a small area. It is a more common wood chip dryer structure. The wet wood chips entering the three-cylinder dryer can be repeatedly and fully heated to evaporate water, so the fuel cost is relatively lower. The heat source of the sawdust dryer uses circulating fuel, that is, biomass pellet fuel produced by the sawdust after the dryer, or firewood and other incineration for heating, so the fuel consumption is also low.

  The material enters the inner layer of the rotary drum from the feeding device to achieve downstream drying, and it is scattered in a spiral travel type to achieve heat exchange; it is continuously raised in the middle layer, showing two steps forward and one step backward; then in the middle layer It can not only fully absorb the heat emitted by the inner drum, but also absorb the heat of the middle drum. The material travels to the other end of the middle layer and falls into the outer layer. It travels in a rectangular multi-loop manner in the outer drum. The material that achieves the drying effect moves quickly out of the drum under the action of hot air, and is fully dried in the rectangular board. The entire drying process completed.

  If you want to know more information about sawdust dryer, please feel free to contact us.

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